New Rules for a Digital Age

Ebay Tea cosy

New Rules for a Digital Age

Everyone has self imposed rules in their life.  Brush your teeth twice a day, avoid your partner till you have had your morning coffee and don’t cross the road when the green man’s flashing.  But in a digital world what are the new rules we need to live by?

I have two that I find very practical don’t post Blogs and DO NOT go on Ebay while drunk!

Go ahead and write your blogs, in word or similar word processing format and hide them away until the cold sober light of day.  The words may flow and seem hysterically funny at 11.30pm but perhaps the joke will be on you if you post them at midnight.  Just wait a few hours until you prize yourself out bed.  Then wearing your morning pillow creased face review the copy & just check before you post.

In the same vein DO NOT go on Ebay drunk.  What seemed very funny and worth the £1.99, with postage at an additional £16.99 because you didn’t check, won’t be so funny in a few days when the postman knocks on your door bearing ‘gifts’.

We’ve all done it that knitted tea cosy with spring lamb, ewe and rabbit looked great, but why did you think that your office needed a trimphone? It doesn’t work and isn’t classic retro.

As Weird Al Yankovic says, “A smurf TV tray, I bought on Ebay“.

Our Postman has a certain ‘look’ when he hands me strangely shaped parcels that could have been part of Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day (25th Jan).

Wrapped buy a mad man, you pick up the scissors to find the item is packed with hamster bedding that explodes all over the kitchen table and floor.  How can parcels smell musty on the outside?

Do you have any new rules to share?

Please Note:
Many thanks to Tracy for allowing me to use her fab teapot photograph in my Blog. The Organic veg plot tea cosy is a wonder!

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